Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

Page 112

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Chapter 4. Lanes


If this checkbox is selected, the profiles of all bands that have been identified as the
same band type will be stretched and superimposed on one another, so their peaks
align. This is useful if the same band appears as peaks in slightly different positions in
different lanes, and you want to align the peaks to confirm that they are all the same
band type.


This command only changes the lane profiles as they are displayed in the
Compare Lanes dialog, and will not affect image data in any way.

Fig. 4-13. Two band types as they appear in two lanes, before alignment and after.

Note that this function will not align band types from different band sets (e.g., Band
Type 1 in Band Set A and Band Type 1 in Band Set B will not be aligned). However,
the same band types from different images will be aligned.


The Rf values in the X axis will no longer be accurate if Align Band Types is
selected, since some band profiles will be stretched and their peaks shifted.

Printing and Exporting

Click on the Print button to print a copy of the Compare Lanes display.

Click on the Export button to export the data points in the graph to a spreadsheet.
This will open the Compare Lanes Export dialog.

