E application – Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

Page 49

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Quantity One User Guide


Quick Guide Placement and Toolbar Placement

These checkboxes determine on which side of the screen the Quick Guides and
toolbars will first open.

Placement Behavior

This setting determines whether a Quick Guide or toolbar will always pop up in the
same place and format (Always Auto), or whether they will pop up in the last
location they were moved to and the last format selected (Save Prior).

Toolbar Orientation

These option buttons specify whether toolbars will first appear in a vertical,
horizontal, or expanded format when you open the program.

Tool Help Delay and Persistence

Specify the amount of time the cursor must remain over a toolbar icon before the Tool
Help appears by entering a value (in seconds) in the Tool Help Delay field.

Specify the amount of time that the Tool Help will remain on the screen after you
move the cursor off a button by entering a value (in seconds) in the Tool Help

2.5.e Application

Click on the Application tab to access the following preferences.

Relative Quantity Calculation

The Relative Quantity Calculation option allows you to define how the relative
quantities of defined bands in lanes will be determined for all reports, histograms, and
band information functions: either as a percentage of the signal intensity of an entire
lane or as a percentage of the signal intensity of the defined bands in a lane.

Selecting % of Lane means that the total intensity in the lane (including bands and
the intensity between bands) will equal 100 percent and the intensity of a band in that
lane will be reported as a fraction thereof.