Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual
Page 137

Quantity One User Guide
The Band Information dialog displays information about the Gaussian peak and trace
quantity for modeled bands that you click on. In the dialog, you can compare the
Gaussian values to the regular band detection values.
These quantities can also be displayed in the Lane Report and All Lanes Report.
The quantities determined by Gaussian fitting cannot be used to in conjunction
with Quantity Standards (see section 6.3, Quantity Standards). However, you
can use the original trace quantities in calculating Quantity Standards after you
have Gauss-modeled the bands.
Adjusting Bands in a Gauss-modeled Lane
If you use any of the individual band commands—Create Band, Delete Band,
Adjust Band—in a lane that has been Gauss-modeled, the modeling will be
automatically removed from that lane. The Gaussian models in a lane are
interdependent, so changing a single band invalidates the modeling. After you have
adjusted the bands, you can remodel the lane.
Incorrect Modeling
The Gauss-model Bands command will try to model all the bands in the selected
lanes. Carefully review the results of modeling using the Plot Band, Bands in Lane,
and Band Information commands as described above.
If the Gaussian curve does not adequately conform to the profile of a band, or if the
Gaussian peak and trace quantities differ greatly from the normal peak and trace
quantities in the Band Information dialog, it may be because there is too much lane
background. Use the Lane Background command with a smaller rolling disk size to
remove more background, then remodel the lane.
If Gaussian modeling does not work well with the bands in the image, simply remove
the modeling. To remove the modeling from a particular lane, select Remove One
Gauss-model from the Band menu and click on the lane. To remove the modeling
from all lanes, select Remove All Gauss-models.
Removing Gaussian modeling will not affect band detection.