7 gauss-modeling bands, Gauss-modeling bands -18 – Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

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Quantity One User Guide


To calibrate the band against known quantities, click on the Calibration button and
select the calibration curve. (See section 6.3.a, Creating and Applying a Set of
Quantity Standards
, for information on calibration curves.)

5.7 Gauss-Modeling Bands

If the bands are closely spaced or overlapping, Gaussian modeling can provide more
accurate quantitation than regular band detection.

Gaussian modeling “fits” a Gaussian curve to each band profile and calculates band
quantity from the area under the curve. Since the profile of a well-resolved, distinct
band conforms to the shape of a Gaussian curve, this creates a band profile that is as
close to ideal as possible.

Fig. 5-13. Profiles of two overlapping bands, before (top) and after (bottom) Gaussian mod-

eling. Modeling better resolves the band quantities.

