C.5.d. save options, C.5.e. auto-scale transform, C.5.f. auto exposure threshold – Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

Page 287: C.6 other features

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Quantity One User Guide


C.5.d. Save Options

To automatically create a backup copy of any scan you create, select the Make
Backup Copy checkbox.

With this checkbox selected, when you save a scan, a backup copy will be placed in
the same directory as the scanned image. Windows backup files will have an “.sbk”
extension. Macintosh backup files will have the word “backup” after the file name.

C.5.e. Auto-scale Transform

Auto-scale Transform after Acquisition allows the user the option of having the image
automatically perform the Auto-Scale transform function upon completion of image
acquisition. This eliminates the need to transform when the acquisition time was too
short or the iris not opened enough.

To enable the auto-scale transform function, check the box labeled, Auto-Scale
Transform after Acquisition in the Options dialog.

C.5.f. Auto Exposure Threshold

When you click on Auto Expose, the exposure time is determined by the percentage
of saturated pixels you want in your image. This field allows you to specify that

Typically, you will want less than 1 percent of the pixels in your image saturated.
Consequently, the default value for this field is 0.75 percent.

C.6 Other Features

Fig.C-13. Other ChemiDoc XRS acquisition window features.