Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

Page 154

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Chapter 6. Standards and Band Matching


fits the data points. (The correlation coefficient provides another measure of curve


Note that point-to-point semi-log is the only method available if you perform
band matching on the image, because band matching adjusts the positional values
of bands in localized areas based on your identification. Point-to-point semi-log
is appropriate for this kind of localized variation, whereas the other methods are
not. Therefore, you should select point-to-point semi-log if you intend to perform
band matching (required for similarity analysis) on the gel.

Point-to-point semi-log. This and the Elder-Southern method are especially useful
for describing band migration in static-field electrophoresis gels. This is the only
method available if you perform band matching on the image (see note above).

Elder-Southern. This and the point-to-point semi-log method are especially useful
for describing band migration in static-field electrophoresis gels. At least three
standard points are required to use this method.

Linear. This method of least-squares polynomial fits is useful for modeling pulsed-
field electrophoresis gels.

Quadratic. At least three standard points are required to use this method of least-
squares polynomial fits.

Cubic. At least four standard points are required to use this method of least-squares
polynomial fits.

Logistic. At least five standard points are required to use this method of nonlinear
least-squares curve fitting.

Cubic-Spline. At least five standard points are required to use this beta-cubic-spline

Display Options

The following options will change how the curve graph is displayed:

Show Standard Points displays the standard data points on the graph. The standard
points in that lane will be marked on the graph as triangles. Note that known band
types will appear marked as standards.