E displaying calculated values, F saving, opening, and deleting standards – Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

Page 155

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Quantity One User Guide


Show Calculated Points displays the calculated points on the graph. The calculated
points in the lane will be marked on the graph as circles.

Perform Log Transform changes the shape of the curve from linear to log. This will
not change the calculated values.

Show Numerical Data of Points displays the value of each band on the graph next to
its corresponding point.

Display Correlation Coefficient displays the correlation coefficient for the linear,
quadratic, and cubic regression models.


The correlation coefficient is a measure of how well the regression model fits the
data. It is the square root of the proportion of total variation that can be explained
by the regression model. A correlation coefficient of 1.000 would indicate 100
percent certainty of fit.

6.1.e Displaying Calculated Values

To view the calculated values of all the bands in the gel image, select Band
from the Band menu, then select the value to be displayed (molecular
weights, base pairs, etc.). Values can be displayed and printed in report format using
the lane and match reports on the Reports menu.


Saving, Opening, and Deleting Standards

Standards are saved with the image; you can also save copies of them in a separate
archive that is available to all images.

To save the standard values with the image, click on the Close button to close the
Standards dialog, then save the image. When you open the image again, the standards
will be available when you select Standards.

To save these standards for use on other images, click on the Archive button. The
standards will be saved in an archive file separately from the image.

To use a set of archived standards, open any image, then choose Standards from the
menu or toolbar and select the archived standards. They will be imported into the