Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual
Page 198

Chapter 8. Colony Counting
The colony count displayed in the dialog and on the image should decrease. On the
image, you should also see the incorrectly identified colonies disappear as you drag
the slider.
White and Blue Colonies
If you know you have white and blue colonies in the image, and there are two clear
peaks on the histogram to the right of the background peak, you can use the histogram
to distinguish between these types of colonies.
Fig. 8-6. Using the White/Blue slider.
Drag the White/Blue slider to the left until it is positioned between the two peaks.
The white colony data range is indicated by gold on the bar beneath the histogram,
and the blue colony data range is marked with blue.
As you drag the slider, the numbers of white and blue colonies will change in the
dialog and in the text box on the image. Also on the image, you should see the marked
white colonies (gold triangles) change to blue colonies (blue squares).
If the blue colonies are not marked on the image, check to make sure that the
Mark Blue Colonies checkbox at the bottom of the dialog is checked.
White peak
Blue peak
division mark