Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

Page 131

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Quantity One User Guide


Fig. 5-11. Band Attributes dialog.

At the bottom of the dialog, select how you want to mark defined bands on the
image—as Brackets or Lines. Lines are usually easier to read than brackets in gels
with closely packed bands, while brackets are better for displaying and editing the
boundaries of bands.

You can also select the band data to display on the image next to each band:


Band number—The sequential number of a band in lane, as counted from the
top of the lane.

Relative front—The distance of a band from the top of its lane, divided by the
total length of the lane. The lane length can be determined either by measuring a
vertical line from the top of the lane to bottom or (if the lane is curved) by
measuring along the length of the lane. Set the preferred measuring method in the
Preferences dialog (see section 2.5.e, Application).


Note that normalized Rf is derived from relative front; however, normalized Rf is
calculated only for bands that have been modeled using standards or band sets,
and can change based on the modeling.

Molecular Weight/Isoelectric Point/Base Pairs/other units—This value is