Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

Page 147

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Quantity One User Guide


Fig. 6-4. Specifying units.

Click on the Units button to specify the units. This opens a dialog in which you can
select from a list that includes Base Pairs, Isoelectric Point, Molecular Weight, and
Normalized Rf


Rf (relative front) expresses the distance a band has traveled down a lane as a
fraction of either the total length of the lane or the vertical distance from the top
of the lane to the bottom (the calculation method can be specified in the
Preferences dialog).This provides a generic measure of the positions of bands in
lanes. Normalized Rf is derived from relative front, and includes the results of
modeling across the gel that comes when multiple lanes of standards are defined
on the image. Such modeling is designed to take into account any distortion or
smiling across a gel.

To specify a set of units not on the list, click on the New button and specify the unit’s
parameters in the dialog. To edit a set of units, select them and click on Edit.