Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

Page 44

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Chapter 2. General Information


Security Mode

Security Mode allows you to set up a list of users who can activate Quantity One
functions on the local machine. Security Mode allows you to track any changes made
to images. If Security Mode is active, select File>Image Info... to view the list of
changes to the file and who made the changes.

To activate Security Mode, check the box labeled Security Mode. Once checked, you
will be prompted for a new Security Mode password which will be required for
making changes, adding or removing users, or for disabling Security Mode.

With Security Mode active, a user must enter a user name and password to activate
Quantity One commands. Security Mode is machine specific, so any images residing
on a network or shared drive can be accessed from another machine that does not
have Security Mode active. Although changes made on other machines are recorded
in the Image info dialog, no user name appears. The same is also true for changes
made to images while Security Mode is inactive.

Auto Logout

To have Quantity One automatically log out the current user after a period of
inactivity, check the box labeled Auto Logout after and enter a number of minutes in
the field. After the time has expired, the user will have to log in again to resume using
Quantity One.

Adding and Removing Users

Once you activate Security Mode, you can add users to your list. Click Edit Users to
open the Security Mode Users dialog.