Quantity one user guide – Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

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Quantity One User Guide


Fig. 6-15. Band set toolbar.

Apply to Lane applies the values in the band set to any lane in the gel. Click on the
button, then click on the lane. The bands in that lane that can be matched will change
to red.

Clear from Lane removes the identified values from any lane in the gel. Click on the
button, then click on the lane to be cleared. The bands in the lane will change to

Create Band and Remove Band are standard band commands that have been
included in the toolbar for convenience (see section 5.3.a, Identifying Individual

Match is used to identify a new band. Click on the button, then click on the unknown
(yellow) band to identify it and add it to the set.

Unmatch removes the identification of a band. Click on the button, then click on the
matched band to change it to unknown.

Propagate Band Set applies all the values in the set to the bands in a lane, based on a
few identified bands in the lane. Click on this button, then click on the lane. The
bands in that lane that can be matched will change to green to indicate their known

Outlier excludes a known (green) band from the band set model. However, the band
will still be marked as known.

Show Band Types displays all the red, green, and yellow bands on the image, with
the band type numbers next to the matched bands.

Show Band Models displays the modeling lines across the gel image.

Apply to Lane

Clear from Lane

Create Band

Remove Band



Propagate Band Set

Outlier Show band types

Show band models

Standard curve