Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual
Page 134

Chapter 5. Bands
Relative front—The distance of the band from the top of its defined lane,
divided by the total length of the lane. The lane length can be determined either
by measuring a vertical line from the top of the lane to bottom or (if the lane is
curved) by measuring along the length of the lane. Set the preferred measuring
method in the Preferences dialog (see section 2.5.e, Application).
Note that normalized Rf is derived from relative front; however, normalized Rf is
calculated only for bands that have been modeled using standards or band sets,
and can change based on the modeling.
Molecular Weight/Isoelectric Point/Base Pairs/other units—This value is
determined by the type of standards defined for the gel, the band’s position in the
lane, and any modeling performed on the gel (using band matching or multiple
lanes of standards) to compensate for gel distortion.
Peak density—The intensity value of the band’s peak.
Average density—The total intensity of the rows of pixels used to generate the
profile of the band, divided by the number of rows.
Trace qty—The band quantity as measured by the area under its intensity profile
curve. Units are intensity x mm.
Gauss Peak Density—The intensity value of the band’s Gaussian peak (after
Gaussian modeling).
Gaussian Trace Quantity—The band quantity as measured by the area under its
Gaussian-fitted profile.
Contour qty—The quantity of a band that has been defined using the Contour
or Draw Band tools. It is the sum of the intensities of all the pixels inside the
band boundary multiplied by the area of each pixel. Units are intensity x mm
Relative qty—The quantity of a band as measured by its intensity, expressed as a
percentage of either the total intensity of all the bands in the lane or the total
intensity of the lane (including the areas between bands). The calculation method
(% of Lane or % of Bands in Lane) is set in the Preferences dialog (see
section 2.5.e, Application).
Normalized qty—The trace quantity of the band expressed as a percentage of
the quantity of a selected band type that is present in the same lane.
If the quantity of the band is known, you can enter the quantity and units next to the
Quantity/Units prompt.