6 band information, Band information -16 – Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

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Quantity One User Guide


Number Tandem Repeats).

Differential Display—If the band types have been normalized, this displays
trends in increasing or decreasing expression of a band type across a gel based on
its normalized quantity.

5.6 Band Information

The Band Information dialog displays information about each defined band. Select
Band Information from the Band menu and click on a band.

An intensity profile of the band’s lane will be displayed with the the selected band
highlighted, and the dialog will open.

Fig. 5-12. Band Information dialog.

The lane and band number of the band you clicked on are listed at the top of the
dialog. Enter new numbers in these fields to display information for a different band.

The band set and band type will be listed, if known. Other information includes: