Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

Page 350

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Appendix G. Fluor-S



If you do not want to perform a dark exposure with each acquisition, you can take a
“reference” dark exposure that will be saved and subtracted from all subsequent
acquisitions. Click on the Referenced button to activate this feature.

The first time you acquire an image after selecting this option, the Fluor-S will take a
60-second dark exposure that will be saved and used to subtract the dark count from
all subsequent acquisitions.

For image exposures of greater or less than 60 seconds, the reference dark will be
scaled accordingly and then subtracted. You can change the default reference dark
exposure time using the Reset Reference button (see below).

If you deselect the Referenced button and then reselect it, the old reference dark
exposure will still be available.


Separate reference dark exposures will be taken for High Resolution mode and
High Sensitivity mode. Once you have created a reference dark in each of these
modes, each reference dark will be used according to the mode you are in.

Reset Reference

If you would like a reference dark with an exposure time that more closely matches
that of your typical scans, click on the Reset Reference button.

Fig.G-10. Reset Reference Dark pop-up box.