C step 3 - select images, D step 4 - apply selected template – Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

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Chapter 3. Viewing and Editing Images


Default Automation

The default automation template is applied to the currently active image when you
select Analysis>Apply Default Automation. To set a new default template, highlight
the desired template in the Automation Manager and click Set as Default.

To run the default automation template on the currently active image, select Apply
Default Automation from the Analysis menu.

Once a default template is chosen, The Automation Manager does not need to be open
to be applied, nor do you need to select a default each time Quantity One opens as it
remembers the default from the last open session of the application.

3.16.c Step 3 - Select Images

This portion of the Automation Manager lists the currently open images. Select the
images to which you wish to apply the selected template. Use ctrl>click and
shft>click to select more than one image, or click Select All to select all the images in
the list.

3.16.d Step 4 - Apply Selected Template

Click Apply to apply the selected template in step 1 to the selected images in step 3.