Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

Page 64

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Chapter 3. Viewing and Editing Images



The images should be close to the same size, with bands in the same relative
positions. You can use the Crop tool to resize images.

With all the images open, select Image Stack Tool from the View menu. The Image
Stack Tool
window will open.

Fig. 3-8. Image Stack Tool.

In the Image Stack Tool window, all open gels are listed in the field to the right of the
display window. To select an image to display, click on a gel name. The name will
appear highlighted with an arrow and the image will appear in the window.

Click on another gel name to display that image.

Buttons for various viewing tools are aligned next to the Image Stack Tool window.
These commands will change the display of all the images in the stacker at once (e.g.,
magnifying one image will magnify the same relative area in all the images).