10 whole-image background subtraction, Whole-image background subtraction -29 – Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

Page 80

background image

Chapter 3. Viewing and Editing Images



Because an image is composed of square or rectangular pixels, Custom Rotation
performs some minor smoothing on the image for rotations other than 90


. Also,

any analysis performed on the image will be lost.

3.10 Whole-Image Background Subtraction

Image background due to gel opacity, random signal noise, or other factors can
interfere with quantitation and data analysis. Quantity One has several tools for
subtracting background intensity from gel images. This section describes whole
image background subtraction. You can also subtract background from individual
lanes (see section 4.2, Lane-Based Background Subtraction) and bands (see section
7.4, Volume Background Subtraction).

Whole-image background subtraction is useful for reducing background resulting
from the opacity of the carrier medium (film, gel matrix, or blot matrix) or film


Whole-image background subtraction permanently changes the image. You will
be prompted to confirm the change.

Select Subtract Background from the Image menu.