Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

Page 104

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Chapter 4. Lanes


Fig. 4-7. Single Lane tools.


You can use the single lane commands on any lane within a frame; however, the
lane will be detached from the frame.

To mark an individual lane, select Create Lane and drag a line from the top to the
bottom of the gel lane. The lane line will be marked in red. Repeat this procedure to
manually mark all the lanes you want to analyze in the gel.


If the lane numbering gets out of sequence, select Sort and Recalculate from the
Edit menu to renumber the lanes.

Adjusting Single Lanes

You can adjust the position of any lane line. Select Adjust Lane from the
Lane > Single Lane submenu or the Lane toolbar and either drag one of the existing
anchor points or click anywhere on the lane to create a new anchor point and drag it
into position.

To undo any lane adjustments, select Unadjust Lane from the submenu or toolbar
and click on an anchor point to remove it. If you remove the anchor points at either
end of the lane line, you will delete the entire line.

Deleting Lanes

You can delete both single lane lines and lines from a lane frame.

Select Remove Lane from the Single Lane submenu or toolbar and click on the lane.
You will be prompted to confirm the deletion.


If you delete a lane from a group of lanes or a frame, select Sort and Recalculate
from the Edit menu to renumber the remaining lanes.