3 . viewing and editing images, 1 magnifying and positioning tools, Viewing and editing images -1 – Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

Page 52: Magnifying and positioning tools -1, Viewing and editing images

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3. Viewing and Editing


This chapter describes the viewing tools for magnifying and optimizing images. This
chapter also describes the tools for cropping, flipping, and rotating images, reducing
background intensity and filtering noise, and adding text overlays to images.

These tools are located on the View, Image, Window, and Edit menus.


The following chapters contain instructions for analyzing X-ray films, wet and
dry gels, blots, and photographs. For the sake of simplicity, these are all referred
to as “gels.”


Magnifying and Positioning Tools

The magnifying and positioning tools are located on the View menu and Window
menu; some of these functions are also found on the main toolbar.

These commands will only change how the image is displayed on the computer
screen. They will not change the underlying data.