B flipping and rotating images – Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

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Quantity One User Guide


Advanced Crop Commands

To ensure that your scans are exactly the same size and shape, you can use the tools
on the Image > Advanced Crop submenu to save the crop box from one scan and
apply it to others. These tools also allow you to crop a gel of the same scan.

To define and save a crop box and apply it to another scan:


Select Define Crop Area from the submenu and drag a crop box on an image.
Position the box as described in Cropping Images.


Select Place Crosshair from the submenu and click a landmark inside the box that
is present in all the gels you want to crop. This could be a spot or some other
image detail. The crosshair will make it easier to position the box in the other
images so that it encloses the same area.


Select Save Crop Settings from the submenu, enter a name for the current crop
settings in the pop-up box, and click Apply.


Complete the crop action in the current image by positioning your cursor inside
the box slightly off-center and clicking to perform the crop, as described in
Cropping Images.


Open or select the next image you want to crop, select Load Crop Settings from
the submenu, and select the name of the settings you saved. The crop box and
crosshair will appear on the image.


Reposition the crop box so that the crosshair is correctly aligned with the
appropriate image object, then complete the crop as described in step 4 above.

To delete any crop settings you have saved, select Delete Crop Settings from the
submenu and choose the settings to be deleted from the list.

3.9.b Flipping and Rotating Images

Use the image flipping and rotating commands to reorient lanes and bands for proper


These actions will erase any analysis you have performed on the image. You will
be prompted to confirm the changes.