Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

Page 316

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Appendix E. GS-710



Scanning in transmissive mode with incorrect step tablet values entered into the
computer can cause significant errors in the reported densities of your scans.

To enter the density values for your step tablet, click on the Edit Step Tablet button in
the Densitometer Options box. The Step Tablet Values dialog box for the GS-710 will

Fig. E-10. Step Tablet dialog box.

The dialog box will indicate whether the values are for the transmissive or reflective
step tablet, depending on whether you are in transmissive or reflective mode.

If you are in reflective mode, you do not need to change the default step tablet values.

If you are in transmissive mode, you do need to enter the correct step tablet values
that were shipped with your GS-710. You can type the serial number for these values
into the Tablet Serial Number field.

The Quantity Offset field does not apply in the GS-710. This value should be set to