Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

Page 344

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Appendix G. Fluor-S



After you have selected your application, you are ready to center your gel or other
object within the camera frame. To do so, click on the Position button. The Fluor-S
will begin capturing a “live” image and updating it every second.

With the Position button selected, look at the image in the acquisition window while
you position your object in the center of the platen. If you have a zoom lens on the
camera, you can adjust the magnification while you position.

You can select the Show Alignment Grid checkbox to facilitate positioning.

Fig.G-6. Fluor-S alignment grid.

When you are finished positioning, click on the Stop button.



Before focusing, you should adjust the f-stop on the camera to the lowest setting
(i.e., the maximum aperture). This reduces the depth of field, allowing you to
more accurately focus the camera. Then, after focusing, increase the f-stop to the
desired setting. (See the following table on recommended f-stops.)

After you have positioned your sample, click on the Focus button and look at the
image in the acquisition window while aligning the two focusing arrows on the
camera lens. While focusing, the camera will limit its focus to a small portion of the
sample (this will not affect any zoom lens adjustments you may have made.)

When you are finished focusing, click on the Stop button.