J.6 options – Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

Page 395

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Quantity One User Guide


J.6 Options

Auto Save After Scan

To automatically save any scan you create, click on the Auto Save After Scan

With this checkbox selected, when you click on Acquire, a Save As dialog box will
open asking you to specify a file name and location for the image you are about to
create. The scan will begin when you click on the Save button.

If you are scanning using multiple channels, the image created using Channel 1 will
be saved using the base file name, and images created using subsequent channels will
have the base file name plus a version number. (v. 2, v. 3, v. 4). Note that the image
version number does not necessarily correspond to the channel number. For example,
if you scanned an image using only Channels 1 and 4, the image created using
Channel 4 will still be saved as version 2 (v. 2).

Make Backup Copy

You can automatically create a backup copy of any scan you create. To do so, first
select Auto Save After Scan (see above), then select the Make Backup Copy

With this checkbox selected, when you save a scan, a backup copy will be placed in
the same directory as the scanned image. Windows backup files will have an “.sbk”
extension. Macintosh backup files will have the word “backup” after the file name.

This backup copy will be read-only, which means that you cannot make changes to it.
You can open it like a normal file, but you must save it under a different file name
before editing the image or performing analysis.

Highlight Saturated Pixels

When this box is checked, any saturated pixels in the image will appear highlighted in
red in the scan window and in the pop-up image window. To view/hide saturated
pixels in the pop-up image window, use the Image > Transform command.