6 ignoring a region of the dish, Ignoring a region of the dish -8 – Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

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Quantity One User Guide


8.6 Ignoring a Region of the Dish

If a particular region of your Petri dish is damaged and you do not want to consider
the colonies (if any) that appear there in the final count, you can exclude that region
of the dish from the calculations.

Click on the Ignore Region button, then position the cursor on one edge of the region
you want to ignore. Drag the cursor on the image, defining the full region you want to

Fig. 8-7. Marking a region to ignore.

As you drag, you will create a “pie slice” marked with red cross-hatching. Any
colonies in this region will not be considered in the final count.

When you have defined the region, release the mouse button. If you want to change
the size of the ignored region, position the cursor on the edge of the pie slice near the
rim of the blue circle. The cursor will change to a bidirectional arrow, and you can
drag the edge of the pie slice.