7 . volume tools, 1 creating a volume, Volume tools -1 – Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

Page 176: Creating a volume -1, Volume tools

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7. Volume Tools

You can use the Volume tools to quantitate bands, spots, arrays, and other image data.

What is a Volume?

A volume is the total signal intensity inside a defined boundary drawn on an image.
To measure the amount of a particular object (e.g., a band or spot), you draw a volume
rectangle, contour, free hand, or circle around the object and compare the intensity
data inside the boundary with the data of other objects or a standard using the Volume
Analysis Report
and Volume Regression Curve (see section 10.6, Volume Analysis

Volume =

Sum of the intensities of the pixels within the volume

boundary x pixel area

Volume units = intensity units x mm


Volumes are similar to band contours (see section 5.8.a, Contouring Bands), except
that they are not dependent on lanes and bands.

7.1 Creating a Volume

To create a volume, select Volume Overlay Tools from the main toolbar or the Edit
menu. These commands are also located on the Volume menu.