C.4 step iii. acquire image – Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual
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Quantity One User Guide
C.4 Step III. Acquire Image
The ChemiDoc XRS control panel has several features for creating image exposures.
You can take an automatic exposure based on the number of saturated pixels in the
image, you can enter a specific exposure time, or you can take a series of exposures
and select the best one.
“Exposure” refers to the integration of the image on the camera CCD over a
period of time. The effect is analogous to exposing photographic film to light
over a period of time.
Auto Expose
Use Auto Expose if you want to take a single exposure but are uncertain of the
optimal exposure time.
If you know the approximate exposure time you want (
3 seconds), you can skip
this step and go directly to Manual Expose.
Click on the Auto Expose button to cancel Live/Focus mode and begin an automatic
exposure. The Auto Expose button will appear selected throughout the exposure.
During the auto exposure, the image is continuously integrated on the camera CCD
until it reaches a certain percentage of saturated pixels. This percentage is set in the
Options dialog box. (Default = 0.75 percent. See C.5, Options.)
Fig.C-5. Selecting Auto Expose.
Click on Auto Expose;
button appears selected
Can see Exposure Time
automatically changing