2 lane and match reports, Lane and match reports -5 – Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

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Chapter 10. Reports


10.2 Lane and Match Reports

There are four different lane and match reports: Lane Report, All Lanes Report,
Match Report, and All Matches Report.

Lane Report generates a report on any you lane you select. First select the report
from the Reports menu, then click on the particular lane.

All Lanes Report generates a report on all the lanes in the current gel image.

Match Report generates a report on a matched band that you select. First select the
report from the menu, then click on a matched band. This report requires band
matching (see section 6.2, Band Matching).

All Matches Report generates a report on all the matched bands in the gel . This
report requires band matching (see section 6.2, Band Matching).

When you select any of these reports, the Report Options dialog will open, where you
can specify the type and formatting of the data.

Fig. 10-5. Report Options dialog.