Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

Page 79

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Quantity One User Guide


Fig. 3-18. Custom rotation; the arrow points in the direction of the new top of the image.

To perform the rotation, position the cursor on the arrowhead and drag. As you drag,
the arrow will rotate and the angle in the box will change. Position the arrow so that it
points in the direction of the new top of the image.


To center the arrow on a particular point on the image (e.g., to align along a
particular lane), position the cursor on the point and press the F3 key. The center
of the arrow will shift to the new position.

To complete the rotation, click on the Rotate button in the pop-up box. Another
window will open containing the rotated image, and you will be prompted to save this
image under a new name or version number.

If you are not satisfied with the rotated image, close the window without saving and
start over.