14 erasing all analysis from an image, 15 sort and recalculate, 16 automation manager – Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

Page 93: Erasing all analysis from an image -42, Sort and recalculate -42, Automation manager -42

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Quantity One User Guide


3.14 Erasing All Analysis from an Image

To delete all analysis and overlays from an image (including any lanes, bands,
volumes, standards, text overlays, etc.), select Clear Analysis from the Edit menu.
Since this process is irreversible, you will be prompted to confirm the selection.

3.15 Sort and Recalculate

To update, renumber, and recalculate all lane and band information, select Sort and
from the Edit menu.

3.16 Automation Manager

The Automation Manager allows you to save objects such as lanes, automated band
detection, standard bandsets, volume overlays, and text and line overlays in a
template file. These files can then be automatically applied to images either
individually or in batches. To open the Automation Manager, select
Analysis>Automation Manager.