8 irregularly shaped bands in lanes, Irregularly shaped bands in lanes -21 – Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

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Chapter 5. Bands


5.8 Irregularly Shaped Bands in Lanes

If some bands in lanes are irregularly shaped, you can use the contour or drawing
features to define them. These functions give you more control over defining bands
than either Detect Bands or Create Bands.


These tools are similar to the Volume Contour Tool and the Volume Freehand
, except that they are lane-dependent. To quantify objects without defining
lanes, see Chapter 7.

Contoured or hand-drawn bands are quantitated based on the signal intensity of all the
pixels within the band boundary, using the following formula:

Quantity =

Sum of the intensity of a pixel x pixel size for all the pixels in

the boundary.

The intensity of a pixel is multiplied by the area of the pixel. This is done for all the
pixels within the contour or drawn boundary. The area of the pixel is determined by
the resolution of the image.

The resulting values have units of intensity x mm



Fig. 5-15. A contoured band scanned at 100 x 100 micrometers.

0.1 mm


1 m


Contoured/drawn band showing individual
pixels with different intensities.

One pixel enlarged to
show dimensions.