Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

Page 55

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Quantity One User Guide


View Entire Image

If you have magnified part of an image or moved part of an image out of view, select
View Entire Image from the main toolbar or View menu to return to the original, full
view of the image.

Centering an Image

You can center the image window on any point in an image quickly and easily using
the F3 key command. This is useful if you are comparing the same region on two gel
images and want to center both image windows on the same point.

Position the cursor on the point on the image that you want at the center of the image
window, then press the F3 key. The image will shift so that point is at the center of the
image window.

Imitate Zoom

To magnify the same area on multiple images at the same time, use the Imitate Zoom
command on the Window menu.

First, adjust the magnification in one of the images. Then, with that image window
still selected, select Imitate Zoom. The zoom factor and region of the selected image
will be applied to all the images.


Imitate Zoom only works on images with similar dimensions.

Tiling Windows

If you have more than one image open, the Tile commands on the Window menu
allow you to arrange the images neatly on the screen.

Select Tile to resize all the windows and arrange them on the screen left to right and
top to bottom.

Select Tile Vertical to resize all windows and arrange them side-by-side on the

Select Tile Horizontal to resize all windows and stack them top-to-bottom on the