Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

Page 141

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Quantity One User Guide


Select Density in Region from the Band > Draw Band submenu or Contour Tools
toolbar, and use the cursor to draw a line around a region of interest.

Fig. 5-19. Density in Region tool.

When you close the border, a pop-up box will display information about the enclosed
area. For very small regions, magnify the region before using this command.

Drawing Band Boundaries


To use the drawing tools, at least one lane must be defined on the image. Also,
magnify the region you want to draw in using Zoom Box.

Use Draw Band Boundary to draw the boundary of a band manually. Select the
command from the Band > Draw Band submenu or Contour toolbar, and drag the
cursor around the region that you want to define as a band. A boundary line will

Fig. 5-20. Draw Band Boundary tool.

If you make a mistake and need to retrace part of the band boundary, backtrack with
the cursor; the path will be erased and you can redraw it.