M.2 gel layout – Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

Page 419

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Quantity One User Guide


Fig.M-2. Edit Category dialog box.

Type the name of the new category (e.g., “Color”) next to the Category prompt and
list attributes of that category in the Attribute fields (e.g., “Red,” “Green,” “Blue,”
etc.). The form will automatically sort your attributes alphabetically within the
Attribute fields. Categories and attributes can be defined for any characteristics of
your gel that would be useful to sort by. Typical categories might be “Enzyme,”
“Primer,” “Probe,” “Type,” “Who,” etc.

Once you’ve created a category and attributes, you can use them in the dialog box.
Once again, click on a button.

Select the category to be applied from the available categories on the list (or select
). Click on the Attribute button to specify an attribute. Click OK to apply your
selection to the Standards box.

M.2 Gel Layout

In Diversity Database, you can use the Gel Layout dialog box to compare samples
across multiple gel images. In Quantity One, you can use it to enter general
information about your image.