4 volume background subtraction, Volume background subtraction -8 – Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

Page 183

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Quantity One User Guide


Fig. 7-6. Volume Properties dialog.

Select the Standard option button, then enter the concentration in the Concentration
field. (Do not include units.) Click on OK to close the dialog.

Standard volumes have the default names S1, S2, S3, etc., based on their creation
sequence. Display or hide volume names using Show/Hide Volume Labels
command as previously described.

After you have identified two or more standards, you can use the Volume Regression
(see section 10.7, Volume Regression Curve) under the Reports menu to
calculate the concentrations of the unknown volumes.

To change a standard back to an unknown, double-click on it, then select the
Unknown button.

7.4 Volume Background Subtraction

When you draw a volume, you will probably include some background pixels inside
the volume. These background pixels will usually have an intensity value that you do