Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

Page 231

background image

Quantity One User Guide


% Volume—The volume expressed as a percentage of all the volumes in the

Concentration—The quantity as calculated from the standards and the
regression method. If you have not defined standards, this is not calculated.

Area—The total area of the volume box you have drawn in mm^2.

Mean Value—The mean intensity of the pixels inside the volume boundary.

Std. Deviation—The standard deviation from the mean intensity.

Min. Value—The value of the lowest intensity pixel in the volume.

Max. Value—The value of the highest intensity pixel in the volume.

Density—The total intensity of all the pixels in the volume divided by the area of
the volume.

Mean Background—The mean intensity of the pixels in the background

Num. Pixels—The number of pixels inside the volume.

X location—The distance in mm from the left edge of the image to the center of
the volume.

Y location—The distance in mm from the top edge of the image to the center of
the volume.

Width—The width of the volume in mm.

Height—The height of the volume in mm.

Specify the preferred Background Subtraction Method (Global or Local).


If you select Global and have not defined a background volume, no background
subtraction will be performed on the image.

The Image Display Options affect how the image is displayed and/or printed on the

You can choose whether to report on all volume objects (All objects) or only those
objects you have selected (Selected objects)

Select the regression method for calculating the Volume Regression Curve. To
display the curve, click on the Show Curve button.