Bio-Rad Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software User Manual

Page 111

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Quantity One User Guide


Adding and Removing Lanes from the Graph

To add a lane to the graph, click directly on the lane in the image. The plot of the lane
will appear in the graph.

Each lane you add will be displayed in one of eight colors, and will be identified by
color in a legend underneath the graph. If you add more than eight lanes, the colors
will repeat, but each lane will still be identified underneath the trace display. There is
no limit to the number of lanes that can be displayed simultaneously.

To remove a lane profile, click on the Remove Lane button. A pop-up box will
prompt you to select the lane to remove. If you remove a lane, the colors of the
remaining lanes will change. Check the lane legend for an updated color code.

Magnifying the Graph

Use the Zoom In and Zoom Out buttons in the dialog to magnify regions of interest
in the profiles. Alternatively, drag the cursor horizontally across the graph and release
the mouse button to magnify the defined range.


The magnifying functions in Compare Lanes only magnify the profile in the
direction of the X axis. Therefore, the profile will appear to “stretch” without
increasing in height.

The Full View button returns the graph to its default display.

If you have magnified part of the graph, the Left arrow and Right arrow scroll
buttons can be used to pan left or right along the graph.

Show Gaussian Modeling

The Show Gauss Model checkbox is active if any of the selected lanes includes
Gaussian modeling (see section 5.7, Gauss-Modeling Bands). If you select this
checkbox, the Gaussian-fitted profiles will be superimposed on the regular lane
profiles. The Gaussian profiles are displayed in white.

Align Band Types

The Align Band Types checkbox is active if any of the selected lanes includes
defined band types (see section 6.2, Band Matching).