Index – Lenze 8400 motec User Manual
Page 515

Lenze · 8400 motec · Reference manual · DMS 4.1 EN · 08/2013 · TD05
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Signal flow
Energy-saving V/f characteristic control (VFCplusEco)
V/f characteristic control (VFCplus)
V/f control (VFCplus + encoder)
Slip comp. (C00021)
Slip compensation
Slip regulator
Controlled current setpoint (C00995)
Filter cutoff frequency (C00997)
Filter time rotor position (C00998)
PLL gain (C00999)
Switching speed (C00996)
Smr1: Module internal watchdog or trap (error message)
Smr2: Module offline - no status or PDOs (error message)
Smr3: Module timeout - one or more of PDOs timeout (error
Smr4: SDO access failure (error message)
Speed control with torque limitation (SLVC)
Speed limitation (C00909)
Speed sensor selection (C00495)
S-ramp time PT1 (C00182)
Status determining error (C00160)
Status determining error (C00161)
Status of last device command (C00003)
Status word (C00150)
Status word 2 (C00155)
Stop of the ramp function generator
Stop the ramp function generator
Su02: One mains phase is missing (error message)
Switch potentiometer
Analog values (C01913)
Switching cycles (C00177)
Switching frequency
Switching frequency (C00018)
Switching frequency reduction (temp.) (C00144)
Synchronous motor
Field weakening
System blocks
System fault messages
Technology applications
Thermal capacity - brake resistor (C00131)
Thermal motor load (I²xt) (C00066)
Ti current controller (C00076)
Ti Imax controller (C00074)
Ti speed controller (C00071)
Time of error (C00169)
Time settings (C00181)
Torque (C00056)
Torque limitation
Ultimate motor current (C00939)
US01: User error 1 (error message)
US02: User error 2 (error message)
USB diagnostic adapter
User menu
User menu (C00517)
V/f base frequency
V/f characteristic control (VFCplus)
V/f control (VFCplus + encoder)
Limitation V/f + sensor (C00971)
Ti V/f +sensor (C00973)
V/f base frequency (C00015)
Vmin boost (C00016)
Vp V/f +sensor (C00972)
Minimum voltage V/f (C00977)
Motor voltage reduction ramp (C00982)
Ti (C00976)
Voltage reduction (C00978)
Vp (C00975)
Vmin boost
Vp current controller (C00075)
Vp Imax controller (C00073)
Vp speed controller (C00070)
Control mode "40
Network (CAN/MCI)"
Control mode "41
Network (AS-i)"
Control mode "Terminals 0"