2introduction: parameterising the controller – Lenze 8400 motec User Manual
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Lenze · 8400 motec · Reference manual · DMS 4.1 EN · 08/2013 · TD05
Introduction: Parameterising the controller
General notes on parameters
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Menu structure
In the keypad, the parameters are classified into various menus and submenus.
• The USER menu includes a selection of frequently used parameters.
• The Code list contains all parameters.
• The Go to param function enables you to reach the corresponding parameter directly.
• The Logbook logs all errors and their chronological history.
• The Diagnostics menu contains diagnostic/display parameters for displaying device-internal
process factors, current actual values and status messages.
Control elements
Execute the function assigned to the function key (see LCD display)
Execute the stop function set in
(Lenze setting: Inhibit controller)
Deactivate stop function again (Lenze setting: Enable controller again)
In the menu level: Select menu/submenu
In the parameter level: Select parameter
In the editing mode: Change marked digits or select list entry
In the menu level: Select submenu/change to parameter level
In the editing mode: Cursor to the right
In the menu level: One menu level higher (if available)
In the parameter level: Back to the menu level
In the editing mode: Cursor to the left