Index – Lenze 8400 motec User Manual
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Lenze · 8400 motec · Reference manual · DMS 4.1 EN · 08/2013 · TD05
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oC1: Power section - short circuit (error message)
oC11: Current clamp for too long (>1 sec) (error message)
OC12: I2xt overload - brake resistor (error message)
oC2: Power section - earth fault (error message)
oC5: Ixt overload (error message)
oC6: I2xt overload - motor (error message)
oC7: Motor overcurrent (error message)
oC9: Ixt overload - shutdown limit (error message)
oH1: Heatsink overtemperature (error message)
oH3: Motor temperature triggered (error message)
oH4: Heatsink temp. > shutdown temp. -5°C (error message)
Open-circuit monitoring - encoder
Optical location
oS1: Maximum speed limit reached (error message)
oS2: Max. motor speed (error message)
Oscillation damping
Oscillation damping filter time (C00235)
Oscillation damping influence (C00234)
ot2: Speed controller limitation (error message)
oU: DC bus overvoltage (error message)
Output frequency (C00058)
Output power (C00980)
Parameter change-over
Password (C00094)
PC manual control
Peak current limitation
Plant parameters
Port block "LP_Network_In"
Port block "LP_Network_Out"
Power and energy display
Power section ID (C00093)
Power-on time meter (C00179)
Product type code (C00203)
PS01: No memory module (error message)
PS02: Par. set invalid (error message)
PS03: Par. set device invalid (error message)
PS04: Par. set device incompatible (error message)
PS31: Ident. error (error message)
Activate Lss sat. char. (C02859)
Imax Lss saturation characteristic (C02855)
Lss saturation characteristic (C02853)
Maximum motor current field weakening (C00938)
Ramp rounding main setpoint (C00134)
Rated device current (C00098)
Rated motor current (C00088)
Rated motor frequency (C00089)
Rated motor power (C00081)
Rated motor speed (C00087)
Rated motor torque (C00097)
Rated motor voltage (C00090)
Rated power - brake resistor (C00130)
Reduc. brake chopper threshold (C00174)
Reduce brightness of the LED status display
Acceleration/deceleration time (C00461)
Reset error message
Resp. to brake resist. overtemp. (C00574)
Resp. to communication error with MCI (C01501)
Resp. to control word error (C00594)
Resp. to DC bus undervoltage (C00600)
Resp. to device overload (Ixt) (C00604)
Resp. to encoder open circuit (C00586)
Resp. to heatsink temp. > shutdown temp. -5°C (C00582)
Resp. to LP1 motor phase fault (C00597)
Resp. to LS_SetError_x (C00581)
Resp. to mains phase failure (C00565)
Resp. to max. speed reached (C00607)
Resp. to motor overload (I²xt) (C00606)
Resp. to motor overtemp. PTC (C00585)
Resp. to open circuit AINx (C00598)
Resp. to speed controller limited (C00567)
Resp. to speed monitoring (C00579)
Safety instructions
Saturation characteristic
Saving parameters automatically
max. output voltage (C00276)
Settings (C00079)
Sd10: Speed limit for feedback system 12 (error message)
Sd3: Feedback system open circuit (error message)
Selection help for motor control
Selection of special functions (C00143)
Selection of switching frequency
Selection of the control type
Sensorless control for synchronous machines (SLPSM)
Sensorless vector control (SLVC)
Sequence control (application example)
Serial number (C00204)
Setting of motor overload (I²xt
Setting the error response
Short overview of error messages