7 technology applications, Technology applications, 7technology applications – Lenze 8400 motec User Manual
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Lenze · 8400 motec · Reference manual · DMS 4.1 EN · 08/2013 · TD05
Technology applications
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Technology applications
This chapter describes the handling and the functional range of the technology applications
available for the 8400 motec controller.
Related topics:
Commissioning of the "Actuating drive speed" technology application
Commissioning of the "Switch-off positioning" technology application
Technology application "Actuating drive speed"
This technology application preset in
serves to solve speed-controlled drive
tasks, e.g. conveyor drives (interconnected), extruders, test benches, vibrators,
travelling drives, presses, machine tools, dosing systems.
technology application "Actuating drive speed (AC Drive Profile)"
This technology application available
from version 04.01.00
provides a speed and
torque control by means of "AC Drive Profile". For this purpose, the Communication
Unit EtherNet/IP™ is required.
TA "Actuating drive speed (AC Drive Profile)"
"Switch-off positioning" technology application
This technology application available
from version 05.00.00
is used to solve speed-
controlled drive tasks which require a pre-switch off or stopping at certain positions,
e.g. roller conveyors and conveying belts. The pre-switch off is implemented by
connecting switch-off sensors.