HP Integrity NonStop J-Series User Manual
Page 74

Behavior for the three
Default Roles is as follows:
NonStop Super ID – No changes can be made to this default role, in terms of membership or
privileges, nor can this role be deleted.
For the default roles Everyone and NonStop Super Group Users, cannot add or delete members,
but you can change the privileges assigned to those roles. You can delete a selected role
using the Delete Role button or restore them if they have been deleted by using the Restore
Default Roles button.
The Restore Default Roles button restores either of these two default roles if they have
been deleted. It does not restore the privilege settings for existing default roles. If you want to
restore the default privilege settings for a default role, you could accomplish that by first
deleting the role, then using the Restore Default Roles action to restore the role – when a
deleted default role is restored, the privilege settings will revert to default values.
You can create a new role by clicking Add Role. When you do so, you are prompted to specify
a role name and can optionally add comments that are displayed whenever that role is selected
Performing Actions