Adobe InDesign User Manual
Page 678

Embed Color Profile
Use Document Bleed Settings
Simulate Overprint
9. Specify the color space of the exported file. You can choose to export as RGB, CMYK, or Gray.
10. Select any of the following items, and then click Export.
When this option is selected, the document’s color profile is embedded in the exported JPEG file. The name of the
color profile is displayed in small text to the right of the option. You can select the desired profile for the document by choosing Edit >
Assign Profiles before exporting to JPEG.
If Gray is chosen from the Color Space menu, the Embed Color Profile option is disabled.
If this option is selected, the bleed area specified in Document Setup appears in the resulting JPEG. This
option is disabled if the Selection option is chosen.
Anti-aliasing smooths the jagged edges of text and bitmap images.
This option is similar to the Overprint Preview feature but works for any of the selected color spaces. If selected, the
JPEG file that InDesign exports simulates the effects of overprinting spot inks with different neutral density values by converting spot colors
to process colors for printing.