Articles (cs5.5) – Adobe InDesign User Manual
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Articles (CS5.5)
Introduction to articles
Create an article and add content to it
Add all page items in a document to an article
Managing articles
Include articles for export
Introduction to articles
Articles provide an easy way to create relationships among page items. These relationships can be used to define the content to be exported to
EPUB, HTML, or Accessible PDFs; and to define the order of the content. You can create articles from a combination of existing page items within
a layout, including images, graphics, or text. Once an article has been created, page items can be added, removed, or reordered. Articles can be
created manually by dragging one or more page items to an article in the Articles panel.
You can also add bulk content to an article. Adding selected content to selected article, or adding an entire document content to an article is
The XML structure panel provides another mechanism to decide the order of the content to be exported to the ePub, HTML, and Accessible
PDF exports workflows. The Articles panel is designed to be simpler, easier to use, and more accessible, for people without XML skills. However,
the ability to use the XML structure panel has not been removed; it is now an option alongside the use of the Articles panel during the export
process. See Structuring documents for XML.
Create an article and add content to it
1. Choose Window > Articles to open the Articles panel.
2. Select the page items to add to the article.
To create an empty article, don’t select a page item in the layout.
3. Do one of the following:
Choose New Article from the Articles panel menu.
Click Create New Article at the bottom of the Articles panel.
Drag story or page element to the Articles panel.
4. In the New Article dialog box, enter a name for the article.
5. Select Include When Exporting to add the article to the EPUB/HTML export output.
Add all page items in a document to an article
To add all the page items to an article: