Adobe InDesign User Manual

Page 47

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See how to build complex layouts in less clicks with paragraphs that span or split columns in InDesign CS5 and later.

Rotating Spread view (video 3:31), CS4-CS6

David Blatner (Jan. 1, 2011)

When one or more objects on a page is rotated, learn how to rotate the spread view to make easy edits. Discover a number of navigation
tips to save time.

Saving production time (PDF, 148 KB), CS5

article (Jan. 1, 2011)

Some small features that save you tons of time in CS5.

Selection tool, Gap tool & Live Corner effects (video 5:13)

Michael Ninness (Jan. 1, 2011)

Watch how you can make short work of everyday layout tasks using these intuitive productivity tools.

Setting object export options (PDF, 160 KB), CS5.5 and later

article (Jan. 1, 2011)

How to use the Object Export options to streamline your export workflow.

Spanning and Splitting columns (video 6:15)

Anne-Marie Concepcion (Jan. 1, 2011)

Set up spanning heads over any number of columns or split a group of columns into additional columns to save vertical space.

Styles mapped to tags in InDesign for improved EPUB export (video 05:13)

Colin Fleming (Jan. 1, 2011)

In InDesign CS5.5 and later, you can map paragraph and character styles directly to EPUB, HTML and PDF tags to ensure that styles
you define in InDesign are exported appropriately. You can also add CSS class names and type n your own custom tags.

Track text changes (video 2:01)

Michael Ninness (Jan. 1, 2011)

Learn how to collaborate with even greater efficiency using new Track Text Changes in InDesign CS5 and later.

Using Object Export options to customize how objects and images export to EPUB ( video 05:18)

Colin Fleming (Jan. 1, 2011)

Use Object Export Options to customize how objects and images are exported to EPUB to ensure best viewing results on any screen -
no matter what size.

Working with Smart Guides (video 4:04), CS4-CS6

Michael Ninness (Jan. 1, 2011)

Take advantage of Smart Guides when creating, moving, rotating, and aligning objects. Learn how to avoid clutter in your layout.


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