Manage cross-references – Adobe InDesign User Manual
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In InCopy, you can import cross-reference formats only in standalone documents. You cannot import formats from an InCopy document into an
InDesign document. If the new or modified format in InCopy conflicts with a format in the InDesign document when the story is checked in, the
InDesign format takes precedence.
1. Choose Load Cross-Reference Formats from the Cross-References panel menu.
2. Double-click the document containing the cross-reference formats you want to import.
You can also share cross-reference formats across documents by synchronizing a book.
Delete cross-reference formats
You cannot delete a cross-reference format that has been applied to cross-references in the document.
1. In the Cross-Reference Formats dialog box, select the format you want to delete.
2. Click the Delete Format button
Manage cross-references
When you insert a cross-reference, the Hyperlinks panel indicates the status of the cross-reference. For example, icons indicate if the destination
text appears on the pasteboard , a master page
, a hidden layer , in overset text
, or in hidden text . Cross-references that link to such
destination areas are unresolved. The panel also lets you know if the destination paragraph has been edited
(also called out-of-date) or is
. Destination text is missing if either the destination text or the file containing the destination text cannot be found. Hold the mouse
pointer over any icon to view a tool tip description.
In InCopy, you can manage cross-references only if the story is checked out for editing.
Update cross-references
An update icon indicates that the cross-reference destination text has changed or that the cross-reference source text has been edited. You can
easily update the cross-reference. If the destination moves to a different page, the cross-reference is updated automatically.
When you update a cross-reference, any formatting changes you’ve made to the source text are removed.
When printing or outputting, you are notified if cross-references are out of date or unresolved.
You can also use the Preflight panel to notify you when cross-references are out of date or unresolved. When defining a profile, select Cross-
References in the Text section. See Define preflight profiles.
1. Select one or more out-of-date cross-references. To update all cross-references, make sure that none are selected.
2. Do any of the following:
Click the Update Cross-References button
in the Cross-References panel.
Choose Update Cross-Reference from the Cross-References panel menu.
Choose Type > Hyperlinks & Cross-References > Update Cross-Reference.
To update all cross-references in a book, choose Update All Cross-References from the book panel menu. You are notified if any cross-references
remain unresolved.