Table and cell styles – Adobe InDesign User Manual

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Table and cell styles

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About table and cell styles
Table/Cell Styles panels overview
Define table and cell styles
Load (import) table styles from other documents
Apply table and cell styles
Base one table or cell style on another
Edit table and cell styles
Delete table and cell styles
Redefine table or cell styles based on current formatting
Override table and cell styles
Break the link to table or cell styles

About table and cell styles

Just as you use text styles to format text, you can use table and cell styles to format tables. A table style is a collection of table formatting
attributes, such as table borders and row and column strokes, that can be applied in a single step. A cell style includes formatting such as cell
insets, paragraph styles, and strokes and fills. When you edit a style, all tables or cells to which the style is applied are updated automatically.

There is one important difference between text styles and table styles. While all character styles attributes can be part of a paragraph style,

cell style attributes are not part of the table style. For example, you cannot use a table style to change the border color of interior cells. Instead,
create a cell style and include it in the table style.

[Basic Table] and [None] styles

By default, each new document contains a [Basic Table] style that can be applied to tables you create and a [None] style that can be used to
remove cell styles applied to cells. You can edit the [Basic Table] style, but you can’t rename or delete either [Basic Table] or [None].

Using cell styles in table styles

When you create a table style, you can specify which cell styles are applied to different regions of the table: header and footer rows, left and right
columns, and body rows. For example, for the header row, you can assign a cell style that applies a paragraph style, and for the left and right
columns, you can assign different cell styles that apply shaded backgrounds.

Cell styles applied to regions in table style
A. Header row formatted with cell style that includes paragraph style B. Left column C. Body cells D. Right column

Cell style attributes


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