Use smart text reflow – Adobe InDesign User Manual

Page 246

background image

To the top

Add Pages To

Limit To Master Text Frames

Preserve Facing-Page Spreads

Flow text automatically

With the loaded text icon displayed, hold down Shift as you do one of the following:

Click the loaded text icon in a column to create a frame the width of that column. InDesign creates new text frames and new document
pages until all text is added to the document.

Click inside a text frame that is based on a master text frame. The text autoflows into the document page frame and generates new
pages as needed, using the master frame’s attributes. (See

About masters, stacking order, and layers


Flow text automatically without adding pages

With a loaded text icon, hold down Shift+Alt (Windows) or Shift+Option (Mac OS).

Use Smart Text Reflow

You can use the Smart Text Reflow feature to add or remove pages when you’re typing or editing text. This feature is useful when you’re using
InDesign as a text editor and you want a new page to be added whenever you type more text than can fit on the current page. It’s also useful in
avoiding overset text or empty pages for situations in which the text flow changes due to editing text, showing or hiding conditional text, or making
other changes to the text flow.

By default, Smart Text Reflow is limited to master text frames — text frames that are on a master page. If the document includes facing pages,
master text frames must appear on both left and right master pages, and the master text frames must be threaded for Smart Text Reflow to work.

You can change settings to allow pages to be added or removed when working in text frames that aren’t based on master pages. However, a text
frame must be threaded to at least one other text frame on a different page for Smart Text Reflow to work.

Smart Text Reflow settings appear in Type preferences. These settings apply to the current document. To change default settings for all new
documents, close all documents and specify the settings.

1. Choose Edit > Preferences > Type (Windows) or InDesign > Preferences > Type (Mac OS).

2. Select Smart Text Reflow.

3. Select any of the following options and then click OK.

Use this option to determine where the new page is created. For example, suppose you have a three-page document with text

frames on the first two pages and a full-page graphic on the third page. If you’re typing to the end of page two, you can determine whether the
new page is added before or after the full-page graphic on the third page. Choose End Of Story to add a new page after the second page.
Choose End Of Document to add a new page after the page with the full-page graphic.

In a document with multiple sections, you can choose End Of Section to add the page at the end of the section.

If this option is turned off, you can also add or remove pages when editing text frames that aren’t based on master

pages. To prevent unwanted text reflow from occurring, Smart Text Reflow takes effect only if the text frame you’re editing is threaded to at least
one other text frame on a different page.

note: When using Smart Text Reflow in text frames that aren’t based on master pages, pages are added with full-page, single-column text frames,
regardless of the attributes of the text frame to which the new frame is threaded.

This option determines whether facing-page spreads are preserved when text is reflowed in the middle of a

document. If this option is selected when text reflows in the middle of the document, a new two-page spread is added. If this option is not
selected, a single new page is added, and subsequent pages are “shuffled.”


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