Adobe InDesign User Manual

Page 519

background image

Character Style

http://, file://, ftp://, or mailto://.

Create a hyperlink to a text anchor

1. Select the text, frame, or graphic you want to be the source of the hyperlink.

2. Choose New Hyperlink in the Hyperlinks panel menu, or click the Create New Hyperlink button at the bottom of the Hyperlinks panel.

3. Choose Text Anchor from the Link To menu.

4. For Document, select the document containing the destination that you want to jump to. All open documents that have been saved are listed

in the pop-up menu. If the document you’re looking for isn’t open, select Browse in the pop-up menu, locate the file, and then click Open.

5. From the Text Anchor menu, choose the text anchor destination you created.

6. Specify hyperlink appearance options, and then click OK.

Create a hyperlink to any shared destination

While creating a hyperlink, if you choose Shared Destination from the Link To menu, you can specify any named destination. A destination is
named when you add a URL using the URL text box or when you select Shared Hyperlink Destination while creating a hyperlink to a URL, file, or
email address.

1. Select the text, frame, or graphic you want to be the source of the hyperlink.

2. Choose New Hyperlink in the Hyperlinks panel menu, or click the Create New Hyperlink button at the bottom of the Hyperlinks panel.

3. In the New Hyperlink dialog box, choose Shared Destination from the Link To menu.

4. For Document, select the document containing the destination that you want to jump to. All open documents that have been saved are listed

in the pop-up menu. If the document you’re looking for isn’t open, select Browse in the pop-up menu, locate the file, and then click Open.

5. Choose a destination from the Name menu.

6. Specify hyperlink appearance options, and then click OK.

Hyperlink appearance options

The options determine the appearance of the hyperlink or cross-reference source in the exported PDF or SWF file. These appearance options are
also displayed in the InDesign document if you choose View > Extras > Show Hyperlinks.

Choose a character style to apply to the hyperlink source. By default, InDesign applies the Hyperlink style to the selected text or

object. For text, you can easily select a different style from the Style drop-down in the New Hyperlink dialog box. For a non-text object, InDesign
applies a design time visual identifier to the links – dotted line around the object with the color inherited from layer color.

Character style applied to text links


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