8 description, 9 total-rate – CANOGA PERKINS 9175 Command Reference User Manual
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CanogaOS Command Reference
32.8 description
Use this command to add a description for the network egress policy. To remove the description, use the
no form of this command.
Command Syntax
description TEXT
no description
TEXT: The description text generally used to describe the usage of the network egress policy. The
length of the text can be up to any visible 200 characters.
Command Mode
Network Egress Policy Configuration
In the following example, the description command is used to add a description clause for the network
egress policy.
Switch(config)# qos net-egress evc110-policy-at-egress-nni
Switch(config-net-egress)# description “used for policing evc 110”
Related Commands
32.9 total-rate
Use this command to configure a group shaping rate in a network egress policy. The group shaping in a
network egress policy rate-limits the total bandwidth leaving from the egress NNI for relevant EVC.
There is no default value assigned for the total rate immediately after the network egress policy being
created. So, to associate the egress network policy with some EVCs, user should configure the total-rate
Command Syntax
total-rate RATE
RATE: The group shaping rate, whose value ranges from 0 to 1000, 000 kbps.
Command Mode